Search results matching any of these keywords - 13749 images

Christ Pantocrator, apse of Palatine Chapel, palace of the Norman kings of Sicily, built by Roger II, Palermo, Sicily, Italy Annunciation, apse of Palatine Chapel, palace of the Norman kings of Sicily, built by Roger II, Palermo, Sicily, Italy Christ Pantocrator and angels, dome of Palatine Chapel, palace of the Norman kings of Sicily, built by Roger II, Palermo, Sicily, Italy Christ Pantocrator and angels, dome of Palatine Chapel, palace of the Norman kings of Sicily, built by Roger II, Palermo, Sicily, Italy Jacob and the angel, Noah Jacob
IT5370-09JT IT5371-09JT IT5374-09JT IT5375-09JT IT5377-09JT IT5379-09JT
Jacob and the angel, Noah Muqarnas or honeycomb vaults, architectural ornamented vaulting, Palatine Chapel, palace of the Norman kings of Sicily, built by Roger II, Palermo, Sicily, Italy Muqarnas or honeycomb vaults, architectural ornamented vaulting, Palatine Chapel, palace of the Norman kings of Sicily, built by Roger II, Palermo, Sicily, Italy Muqarnas or honeycomb vaults, Christ Pantocrator and angels, Palatine Chapel, palace of the Norman kings of Sicily, built by Roger II, Palermo, Sicily, Italy Noah Virgin and Child, St Peter, John the Baptist, Palatine Chapel, palace of the Norman kings of Sicily, built by Roger II, Palermo, Sicily, Italy
IT5380-09JT IT5381-09JT IT5383-09JT IT5384-09JT IT5386-09JT IT5388-09JT
Saul Paul baptising Ananias, Palatine Chapel, palace of the Norman kings of Sicily, built by Roger II, Palermo, Sicily, Italy Paul being let down in a basket in Damascus, palace of the Norman kings of Sicily, built by Roger II, Palermo, Sicily, Italy Adam and Eve and the Serpent, Palatine Chapel, palace of the Norman kings of Sicily, built by Roger II, Palermo, Sicily, Italy Adam and Eve and the Serpent, Palatine Chapel, palace of the Norman kings of Sicily, built by Roger II, Palermo, Sicily, Italy Adam and Eve banished from the Garden of Eden, Palatine Chapel, palace of the Norman kings of Sicily, built by Roger II, Palermo, Sicily, Italy
IT5389-09JT IT5390-09JT IT5394-09JT IT5395-09JT IT5396-09JT IT5397-09JT
Sacrifice of Isaac, Adam and Eve, Palatine chapel, palace of the Norman kings of Sicily, built by Roger II, Palermo, Sicily, Italy Rebecca at the well, Adam delving, Cain and Abel, Palatine chapel, palace of the Norman kings of Sicily, built by Roger II, Palermo, Sicily, Italy Isaac blessing Jacob his son, Palatine Chapel, palace of the Norman kings of Sicily, built by Roger II, Palermo, Sicily, Italy Jacob Nativity of Christ, Palatine Chapel, palace of the Norman kings of Sicily, built by Roger II, Palermo, Sicily, Italy Palermo Cathedral, founded 1185 by Anglo-Norman Archbishp, Gualtiero Offamiglio (Walter of the Mill), Palermo, Sicily, Italy
IT5399-09JT IT5400-09JT IT5402-09JT IT5403-09JT IT5409-09JT IT5433-09JT
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