Search results matching any of these keywords - 13749 images

Izaac Walton, author of The Compleat Angler, near river at Winchester, 1914, Winchester Cathedral, England Francis I of France, Eleanor of Austria, St Francis receiving stigmata, St Eleanor, cartoon by B. Van Orley, 1540, Brussels Cathedral, Belgium Chained devil, Resurrection window, 1308-45, Chapel of St Lawrence, Strasbourg Cathedral, France Zeus and Ganymede, sixteenth century, Tucher museum, Nurnberg, Germany Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, fifteenth century, York Minster, England Angel warns the three magi against Herod, thirteenth century, Canterbury Cathedral, England
471-6-75 BE16-3-12 FR205-10-12 GE47-10-12 269-3-73 78-5-73
Grisaille window with Annunciation, fourteenth century, Chartres Cathedral, France Immaculate Conception, Linard Gonthier, seventeenth century, Troyes Cathedral, France Lamb of God, thirteenth century, from Wimpfen, now in Darmstadt Museum, Germany Temptation of Adam and Eve, fifteenth century, Hans Acker, Besserer Chapel, Ulm Cathedral, Germany Ascension of Christ, fourteenth century, Tulenhaupt window, Freiburg Munster, Germany Moses given tablets by hand of God, Gerlachus, twelfth century, Munster Landesmuseum, Germany
FR113-2-12 FR161-9-12 GE35-6-12 GE16-3-10 GE66-9-12 GE101-7-12
Christ and the six qualities of the Holy Spirit, counsel, understanding, strength, wisdom, knowledge, piety, Gerlachus, twelfth century, Munster Landesmuseum, Germany Window, south aisle east, Evie Hone, 1955, All Hallows, Wellingborough, Northamptonshire, England Miraculous draught of fishes, Poor Man Last Judgement, sixteenth century, Fairford Church, Gloucestershire, England Deposition, sixteenth century, Notre Dame, Chalons-en-Champagne, France Our Lady of Sorrows, 1551, panel originally from Herchenrode, now in St Mary
GE102-5-12 406-1-74 283-3-73 77-6-73 FR48-6-10 348-2-74
St Michael weighing a soul, fourteenth century, Church of St Michael and All Angels, Eaton Bishop, England Lion, detail from throne of Solomon, fourteenth century, Munster Landesmuseum, Germany Crucifixion, 14th century on left, and on right 20th century replica. Original from Konstanz Munster, replica by Dr Oidtmann Linnich, Freiburg Museum, Germany Ark of the Covenant, twelfth century, Basilica of St Denis, Paris, France Last Supper, thirteenth century, Bourges Cathedral, France Entry into Jerusalem, fifteenth century, Hans Acker, Besserer Chapel, Ulm Cathedral, Germany
137-6-73 GE98-1-12 GE66-6-12 FR65-10-10 FR12-7-10 GE13-6-10
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