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Pythagoras and Donatus, twelfth century, right archivolt, right bay, Royal Portal, Chartres Cathedral, France Witnesses of Resurrection, detail, central bay, south porch, Chartres South Porch, Chartres Cathedral, France Kings and a Queen of Judah, twelfth century, right hand jamb, central bay, Royal Portal, Chartres Cathedral, France North porch, central portal, thirteenth century, Chartres Cathedral, France Crypt of St Fulbert, Bishop of Chartres 1006-1028, eleventh century, Chartres Cathedral, France Crypt of St Fulbert, Bishop of Chartres 1006-1028, eleventh century, Chartres Cathedral, France
FR387A-7-14 FR402-8-15 FR407-1-15 FR413-7-15 FR422-8-15 FR422-10-15
Flying Buttresses outside nave, south façade, thirteenth century, seen from the ground, Chartres Cathedral, France Saints Martin, Jerome and Gregory, thirteenth century, St Avitus, fourteenth century, right side, right bay, south porch, Chartres Cathedral, France St Martin blessing would-be assassin and St Lubin annointing St Caletric, west face of right pier, right bay, south porch, Chartres Cathedral, France St Philip, thirteenth century, left jamb, central bay, south porch, Chartres Cathedral, France Adoration of the Magi, probably by Jean Soulas, sixteenth century, choir screen, south ambulatory, Chartres Cathedral, France Jesus and the adulteress, Jean de Dieu, 1681, choir screen, east ambulatory, Chartres Cathedral, France
FR428-8-15 FR429-2-15 FR430-3-15 FR431-7-15 FR432-5-15 FR432-9-15
Saints Martin of Tours and Nicholas, thirteenth century, tympanum and lintel, right bay, and archivolts, south porch, Chartres Cathedral, France Charlemagne, detail of twelfth century wall painting in St Fulbert Right bay of south porch, Chartres Cathedral, France Teaching Christ, central bay, south porch, Chartres Cathedral, France South east ambulatory, Chartres Cathedral, France Nave, floodlit, looking east, Chartres Cathedral, France
FR434-9-15 FR442-3-15 FR449-10-15 FR459-2-16 FR461-4-15 FR468-1-15
View of nave from triforium, looking north west, Chartres Cathedral, France Flying buttresses, thirteenth century, exterior of south nave, Chartres Cathedral, France Martyrdom of St Blaise, east face of left hand pier, left bay, south porch, Chartres Cathedral, France Martyrdoms of SS Thomas, Blaise and Ledger, east face of left pier, left bay, south porch, Chartres Cathedral, France Two of the twenty Elders of the Apocalypse, thirteenth century, south porch, Chartres Cathedral, France Mitred bishops, thirteenth century, left jamb, right bay, south porch, Chartres Cathedral, France
FR470-8-15 FR473-6-15 FR474-7-15 FR492-10-16 FR493-6-16 FR494-3-16
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