Search results matching any of these keywords - 13749 images

Krak des Chevaliers, crusader castle built by the Hospitaller order of St John of Jerusalem, 1142-1170, vaulted passage in  castle, Syria Krak des Chevaliers, crusader castle built by the Hospitaller order of St John of Jerusalem, 1142-1170, top of entrance to hallway, Syria Christian sarcophagi near Kiz Kalesi, (Maiden Coast between Alanya and Anamur, Cilicia, Turkey Four birds, detail from fifth century floor mosaic in great church at Mopsuestia (Misis), Cilicia, Turkey Roman soldier, relief carved in rock, Kandilivane, Cilicia, Turkey
SY3A-23-35 SY3A-25-35 TR RED 122 TR RED 2 TR10-5-03 TR30-3-11
Kiz Kalasi (Maiden Anamarium, Roman city on south coast, Cilicia, Turkey Anamarium, Roman city on south coast, Cilicia, Turkey Yuruk nomad woman spinning outside her tent in the Taurus mountains north of Tarsus, Cilicia, Turkey Flat-roofed village built of mud bricks in foothills of Taurus mountain, Cilicia, Turkey Mount Cadmus, view over orchard, Colossae, Turkey
TR46-9-11 TR79-11-08 TR80-8-08 TR97-1-08 TR105-2-08 TR56-6-08
Artemis, second century sculpture, Ephesus, Turkey Church of Virgin Mary, Third Ecumenical Council was held here in 431 AD, Ephesus, Turkey Man spearing a boar, Roman frieze, Miletus, Turkey Artemis, second century, detail of lions, goats and griffons carved on lower half of sculpture now in Selcuk Museum, Ephesus, Turkey Artemis, second century sculpture found in town hall at Ephesus, now in Selcuk Museum, Ephesus, Turkey Corner of the Agora, Ephesus, Turkey
TR5-4-11 TR5-8-08 TR1-10-05 TR6-1-11 TR6-5-06 TR7-8-06
Mount Pion, Roman Skolastika baths below, dating from the first century Ephesus, Turkey City and theatre, long shot across mud flats which were once city harbour, Ephesus, Turkey Hunting scene, relief at fourth century theatre,  Miletus, Turkey Church of Virgin Mary, fourth century, third Oecumenical Council was held here, 431 AD, Ephesus, Turkey Temple of Hadrian, second century, Street of Curates in foreground, Ephesus, Turkey Inscription from above gate to Agora with dedication to Caesar Augustus and his son-in-law Agrippa, Ephesus, Turkey
TR8-8-08 TR10-3-08 TR19-5-06 TR16-4-08 TR17-8-08 TR18-6-08
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