Search results matching any of these keywords - 13749 images

Jacob Betrayal, seventeenth century Flemish roundel, St Mary St Gregory Naziensis, bishop of Sasima and Constantinople 370-390, by Hugh Easton, Durham Cathedral, England St Gregory the Great, pope, fifteenth century east window, All Saints Church, Langport, Somerset, England St Joseph of Arimathea, fifteenth century east window, All Saints Church, Langport, Somerset, England St Martin, Bishop of Tours, sixteenth century Flemish roundel, St John
644-2-76 649-1-76 887-3-78 938-10-17A 938-10-17B 944-8-16
Adam and Eve, seventeenth century Flemish panel, St Mary Martydom of St Alphege, eleventh century Archbishop of Canterbury, at hands of Vikings, thirteenth century, north choir, Canterbury Cathedral, England Christ appearing to Mary Magdalene in the garden, sixteenth century Flemish panel, St Gwenllwyfo St Giles of Provence, hermit, died early eighth century, fifteenth century panel in east window of Church of St Giles, Northleigh, Devon, England St Roch, patron saint of sufferers from plague, fifteenth century panel, north aisle of Church of St Margaret and St Andrew, Littleham, Devon, England St Luke and St John, south window, nave, Church of St Mary, Stepleton, Dorset, England
949-3-74 1224-7-21 1344-1-22 1366-3-22 1367-5-22 1705-6-40
Scenes from the life of St Anne and the Virgin, thirteenth century, Church of St Germain-des-pres, Paris, now in the Victoria and Albert museum, London, England Joseph lowered into the pit, twentieth century, Bury St Edmunds Cathedral, Suffolk, England Adoration of the Magi, east window, Lady Chapel, Exeter Cathedral, Devon, England Virgin and Child, east window, Lady Chapel, Exeter Cathedral, Devon, England Choir and high altar, Bourges Cathedral, France Prodigal Son window, detail, Bourges Cathedral, France
FR254-9-73 1594-4-38 1683-6-40 1685-5-40 FR138-2-12 FR138-10-12
St Thomas window, detail, thirteenth century, Bourges Cathedral, France Submission of Thibault, detail of sixteenth century St Louis window, church of La Madeleine, Troyes, France Shadrach, Meshach ad Abednego, three youths in the burning fiery furnace, fourteenth century German panel, Church of St Etienne, Mulhouse, France Menorah, German panel, fourteenth century, Church of St Etienne, Mulhouse, France Balaam and the Ass, fourteenth century German panel, Mulhouse, France Cain killing Abel, detail from Creation window, sixteenth century, Church of Saint-Florentin, France
FR140-4-12 FR157-7-12 FR270-5-13 FR282-10-13 FR284-8-13 FR715-4-18
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