Search results matching any of these keywords - 13749 images

Israel, spring in the Ma Israel, Ma Israel, Mount Shaul in the Gilboa Range Israel, the Gilboa mountains Israel, the Gilboa mountains Israel, the Gilboa mountains
IS84-7-14JT IS84-10-14JT IS85-3-14JT IS85-6-14JT IS85-7-14JT IS86-1-14JT
Israel, the Gilboa mountains Israel, Jerusalem, a street in the newly built Jewish Quarter Israel, Mount Tabor, the Church of the Transfiguration, interior Israel, Jerusalem, the Dome of the Rock and the Western Wall Israel, Jerusalem, the Citadel, Tower of David (Phasael Israel, aerial view of the Jezreel Valley
IS86-2-14JT IS86-6-16JT IS86-8-14JT IS88-4-16JT IS107-3-16JT IS111-2-14JT
Jordan, Bedouin tent in the hills of Moab near Madaba Peru, view between Huancayo and  Ayacucho Peru, procession for the Feast of the Assumption of the Virgin at Calca near Cuzco Peru, festival at a Franciscan Monastery near Huancayo Peru Festival at Franciscan Monastery near Huancayo Peru, Cathedral at Puno by Lake Titicaca
J90-10-22JT PE1-5-01JT PE33JT PE17JT PE100JT PE110JT
Peru, Cuzco main square, Jesuit Church, Iglesia la Compania de Jesus Peru, reed boats on Lake Titicaca Peru, Cuzco Cathedral in the main square Peru, Cuzco, Archbishop Peru, Cuzco, Archbishop Peru, floating island made entirly of reeds on Lake Titicaca
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