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Omar Khayyam, bust, Nishapur, Iran Marsh Arab dwelling on a floating island, Al Chabaish,  Iraq Arabs collecting reeds for building,  Iraq Marsh Arabs with their cargo of reeds on the Euphrates,  Iraq Marsh Arab family in front of their reed-built house, Al Chabaish,  Iraq Marsh Arab canoeist, Chabaish near the Bibilical city of Ur, Iraq
IQ2-31-5-B JS IQ3-1-G1-R JS IQ3-2-34-G1-T JS IQ3-25-T JS IQ3-28-G1-T JS IQ3-32-G1-R JS
Marshland village of Sarhat,  Iraq Entrance to Marsh Arab house, Iraq Entrance to the Mosque of Iman Ali, Najar, Iraq Copper worker, Baghdad, Iraq Village in northern Iraq Iraqi teahouse, Basra,  centre for social meetings and gossip
IQ4-9-T JS IQ4-28-G1 JS IQ7-18-G1 JS IQ9-19-G1-T JS IQ11-29-G1-R JS IQ13-26-G1-T JS
Minaret, Mosul, Iraq Burial, skeleton with bone ring belt, early dynastic culture, circa 2000 BC, (Mesopotamia), Iraq Marsh Arab boy with rolls of reed matting, Iraq Storm in the marshlands, Euphrates, Iraq Madaba, 6th century mosaic map of the Holy Land, Church of St George, Madaba, Jordan Madaba, 6th century mosaic map of the Holy Land, Church of St George, Madaba, Jordan
IQ14-5-G1-T JS IQ20-20-1 JS IQ23-29-G1-T JS IQ18-G1-T JS J18-7-21JT J18-1-21JT
Bedouin boy outside tent holding a lamb, Jordan New Alexandrine Library, north facade, Alexandria, Egypt Fishing boats  in the early morning, Sea of Galilee, Tiberias, Israel Tent of settled bedouin, Wadi Rum, Jordan Sphinx and Great Pyramid, 2500 BC, Giza, Egypt Taj Mahal in the early morning, Agra, India
J90-4E-22JT EG17a-9-02 IS11-2-16JT J26A-11-22JT EG23A JT IN59-7-17JT
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